Friday, May 13, 2011

Thank You

Thank You

This is a thank you to all of you who have supported us in this new journey:

To those of you who gave

Your time, your money, your love and your prayers, thank you.

To those of you who gave out of your abundance and were obedient with what you have, thank you.

To those of you who gave without being asked, thank you.

To those of you who gave and will give and give again, thank you.

To those of you who gave not out of abundance, but out of your need,

Yours was a sacrifice of worship, thank you.

To those of you who have spent so much time on your knees,

Interceding on our behalf, covering our way, thank you.

To those of you who have loved us with your whole hearts and in so doing have taught us more about the Father, thank you.

To those of you who have gone before, paving the way, sowing seeds, which we will water, thank you.

To those of you who have discipled, mentored and led us,

To those of you who teach that the heart of God is for all people in all places to know His Son,

You have taught us more than we can say and you have led us to this place of going, thank you.

To those of you who have walked with us this far, bearing and sharing burdens,

You have been the body of Christ to us and have influenced us greatly, thank you.

To those of you whose names I do not know but who will nonetheless pray and give,

You bless the Lord with your quiet obedience, thank you.

To those of you who sweat and toil for the harvest right where you are,

You are great teachers, leaders and senders,

You are irreplaceable and invaluable and have taught us the beauty in living a humble and quiet life that draws other to our Lord, thank you.

To those of you whose shoulders we stand upon,

The great multitude of saints, the great cloud of witnesses,

We tread after you, thank you.

To anyone whose heartbeat is for Jesus but whose plans are still unclear,

Your strong and patient waiting is an example of faithfulness, thank you.

To those of you who celebrate the Risen Lord with your life, thank you.

To those of you who live in difficult circumstances by choice,

Because you understand that eternity is worth it, thank you.

To those of you who point to Him in all these things,

To all of you, thank you. Thank you.

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